Research Gioia M. VAGO
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Works (PhD, HDR)
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My research interests are centred on topological, algebraic, combinatorial and algorithmic aspects of discrete and continuous dynamical systems.

The left-hand side picture, realised by Charles Cordier, refers to the study of the dynamical information carried by the topology of the unstable manifold of certain hyperbolic diffeomorphisms of surfaces. This is a perfect example of a question that could be algorithmically solved by algebraically enriching the combinatorics associated with the bending rules defining such dynamics (see [Va-1], [Va-2], [Va-3], but also [Ba-Jack-Va]).

The right-hand side figure naturally brings to mind another class of dynamical systems, that of Morse flows, and their underlying combinatorics, that of Morse graphs. It refers to another question, representative of my interests, this time in the continuous setting: the study of the Ogasa invariant in the case of dimension three. There again, the initial problem - namely, measuring a certain topological complexity of a manifold, by means of Morse dynamics - has been cleared up by mixing  topological methods together with tools from combinatorial graph theory. Moreover, the sharp estimates we obtained algorithmically are intimately related to other  algebraic invariants of the underlying manifold. This work, joint with Michel Boileau, is voluminous and the writing is in its final stage (as for the combinatorics of Lyapunov graphs, see also [Be-dR-Va], [Be-dR-Ma-Va-1] and [Be-dR-Ma-Va-2]).


[BR-Sa-Va] K. BEN REJEB, E. SALHI, G.M. VAGO, Nonexpansive homeomorphisms, Topology Appl, Vol 160, Issue15 (2013), 1969-1986 ;
[J-Sa-Va] A. JMEL, E. SALHI, G. VAGO, Homeomorphisms of the Sierpinski curve with periodic properties, Dynamical Systems, Vol 28, Issue 2 (2013), 203-213 ;
[Be-dR-Ma-Va-2] M.A. BERTOLIM, K.A. DE REZENDE, O. MANZOLI NETO, G.M. VAGO, On the variations of the Betti numbers of regular levels of Morse flows, Topology Appl, Vol 158, Issue 6 (2011), 761-774 ;
[Bo-Ha-Sa-Va] C. BONATTI, H. HATTAB, E. SALHI, G.M. VAGO, Hasse diagrams and orbit class spaces, Topology Appl, Vol 158, Issue 6 (2011), 729-740 ;
[Bo-Cr-Va-Wi] C. BONATTI, S. CROVISIER, G.M. VAGO, A. WILKINSON, Local density of dieomorphisms with large centralizers  Ann. Sci. Éc. Norm. Supér. (4) 41 (2008), no. 6, 925-954 ;
[Be-dR-Ma-Va-1] M.A. BERTOLIM, K.A. DE REZENDE, O. MANZOLI NETO, G.M. VAGO, Isolating blocks for Morse flows, Geom. Dedicata , Vol 121, n.1 (2006), 19-41 ;
[Be-dR-Va] M.A. BERTOLIM, K.A. DE REZENDE, G.M. VAGO, Minimal Morse flows on compact manifolds, Topology Appl, Vol 153, Issue 18 (2006), 3450-3466 ;
[Va-3] G.M. VAGO, Topological and dynamical classication of the unstable manifolds of one-rectangle systems, Ergodic Theory Dynam. Systems 21 (2001), no. 5, 1563-1596 ;
[Va-2] G.M. VAGO, Conjugate unstable manifolds and their underlying geometrized Markov partitions, Topology Appl, Vol 104 Issue 1-3 (2000), 255-291 ;
[Ba-Jack-Va] M. BARGE, J. JACKLITCH, G.M. VAGO, Homeomorphisms of one-dimensional inverse limits with applications to substitution tilings, unstable manifolds and tent maps, Geometry and Topology in Dynamics, Contemp. Math. 246, Amer. Math. Soc, Providence, RI, 1999, 1-15 ;
[Va-1] G.M. VAGO, Variétés instables d'ensembles hyperboliques, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris Sér. I Math. 328 (1999) no. 10, 913-918.


[Be-Jacq-Va] M.A. BERTOLIM, A. JACQUEMARD, G.M. VAGO, Integration of a Dirac Comb and the Bernoulli Polynomials ;
[dR-Le-Ma-Va] K.A. DE REZENDE, G.E. LEDESMA, O. MANZOLI NETO, G.M. VAGO, Circle Valued Morse Functions on Surfaces.


HDR Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches - Sciences et Techniques, Spécialité Mathématiques, 13th December 2013
Manuscript entitled: Sur des aspects géométriques et combinatoires en systèmes dynamiques - Geometric and combinatorial aspects of dynamical systems
Referees : J.S.W. LAMB (Imperial College), G. LEVITT (U. Caen), J. LOS (CNRS, U. Aix-Marseille) ;
Jury : M.-C. ARNAUD (U. Avignon and IUF), T. BARBOT (U. Avignon and ENS Lyon), C. BONATTI (CNRS, U. Bourgogne), X. BRESSAUD (U. Paul Sabatier Toulouse), B. HASSELBLATT (Tufts U. and Chaire Jean Morlet CIRM, U. Aix-Marseille), G. LEVITT (U. Caen) ;

Ph.D. Doctorat de l'Université de Bourgogne  Spécialité Mathématiques, 2nd December 1998 
Thesis entitled: Variétés instables d'ensembles hyperboliques - Unstable manifolds of hyperbolic systems
Appreciation cum laude: mention très honorable et les félicitations du jury
Jury : C. BONATTI (Thesis Supervisor, U. Dijon), P. ARNOUX (Referee, U. Marseille), M. BARGE (Referee, Montana State U.), L. GUILLOU (U. Grenoble), L. PARIS (U. Dijon), B. PERRON (U. Dijon), M. VIANA (I.M.P.A, Rio de Janeiro).

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